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implantable lens cost

How Much Does an Implantable Lens Cost? Complete Guide

In the realm of vision correction, implantable lenses emerge as a transformative option for individuals aiming to say goodbye to their glasses or contacts. Specifically known as ICLs (Implantable Collamer Lenses) in Dubai, these innovative devices provide a permanent remedy for various refractive errors, offering clear vision through a procedure that is both groundbreaking and subtle. However, as with any medical breakthrough, the aspect of cost is crucial. Thus, the question arises: what financial commitment is required for this life-altering procedure in Dubai? Let’s explore the financial, medical, and practical considerations surrounding the choice of implantable lenses in Dubai.

Understanding Implantable Lenses

ICLs offer hope. They help those with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. ICLs differ from traditional contact lenses. They sit within the eye and last a long time. They provide a solution to refractive errors. This innovation avoids the daily hassles of glasses or contacts. It promises better vision. They are designed to complement your eye’s lens. They make it easy to integrate into your vision. ICLs allure stems from their ability to fix vision. They also promise a life free from the limits of regular glasses. This makes ICLs a great option for those seeking freedom from glasses and contacts.

The Procedure

The journey to clearer vision through ICL surgery is a testament to medical ingenuity. Enveloped in the calm of local anaesthesia, patients embark on a brief, 20 to 30-minute per eye, voyage towards improved sight. This minimally invasive procedure, characterised by its swift execution and the minimal downtime required, marks a significant leap from the cumbersome and invasive surgeries of yesteryears. At the heart of this technological marvel lies Collamer, a biocompatible material that melds with the body’s natural structures, drastically reducing the risk of rejection. This synergy between cutting-edge material science and surgical precision offers a glimpse into a future where improved vision is accessible, with minimal intrusion into life’s daily rhythm.

Decoding the Costs

Navigating the financial aspects of implantable lenses requires a nuanced understanding of the factors at play. In Dubai, costs oscillate between AED 20,000 – AED 24,000for each eye, a range reflective of the bespoke nature of this solution. The price spectrum is influenced by the type of lens, tailored to individual visual correction needs, with more advanced options for complex cases commanding a higher fee. The surgeon’s expertise and the clinic’s prestige further sculpt the cost landscape, introducing a premium for top-tier professional services. Geographical nuances add another layer, with clinics in metropolitan hubs bearing higher operational costs, subsequently mirrored in their pricing. Comprehensive package deals, enveloping the entire spectrum of care from pre-surgery consultations to post-operative follow-up, underscore the importance of transparency in understanding what each package entails to circumvent unforeseen expenses.

Also read: Is Implantable Contact Lens Painful?

Financing the Vision

The financial commitment entailed in opting for ICLs, while significant, is mitigated through a variety of financing options offered by clinics. These strategies, ranging from straightforward payment plans to more intricate financing schemes with varying interest rates, aim to democratise access to this life-enhancing procedure. A critical step in this financial journey is the meticulous evaluation of the total repayment sum, ensuring that it aligns with one’s financial landscape. This consideration not only facilitates informed decision-making but also underscores the clinics’ commitment to making improved vision a tangible reality for a broader demographic, thereby weaving the promise of clearer sight into the fabric of more lives.

Evaluating the Investment

Staring down the barrel of the initial expense for implantable lens surgery can feel a bit like facing a steep cliff. But before you recoil at the cost, consider the vista beyond. This isn’t merely a financial transaction; it’s an investment in a life unchained from the constant companionship of glasses or the daily dance with contact lenses. When you tally up the endless parade of expenses for corrective eyewear over the years, the scales might tip in favour of the surgery. And that’s without factoring in the intangible yet priceless uplift in your quality of life. For many, this calculation reveals a treasure trove of benefits that far outweigh the upfront cost.

Long-term Savings

If you’ve ever paused to calculate the lifetime cost of glasses, contacts, and the endless carousel of care products, you’ve likely had a bit of a gulp moment. These expenses, often dismissed as trivial, accumulate into a towering sum over the years. In contrast, implantable lens surgery asks for a single, upfront payment. This one-time investment can halt the financial bleed, making it a savvy financial decision for those looking to escape the recurrent expenses of traditional eyewear. When viewed through this lens, the procedure emerges not just as a path to visual clarity but as a financially astute choice over the long run.

Also read: Who is not suitable for ICL surgery?

Quality of Life Enhancements

The true value of implantable lens surgery transcends mere numbers and enters the realm of life’s quality. Imagine waking up to a world of crisp, clear mornings without groping for glasses. Envision engaging in sports, swimming, or simply enjoying the rain without the nuisance of contacts. This surgery opens up a vista of activities once clouded by the hassle of corrective eyewear. The newfound freedom, the spontaneous ability to live life without visual constraints, and the surge in self-confidence are transformative. These quality of life enhancements stitch together a tapestry of experiences that enrich your existence in ways that are profound and immeasurable.

Choosing the Right Clinic

With the financial landscape navigated, the quest for the perfect clinic begins. This journey is not to be taken lightly, for the choice of clinic and surgeon lays the foundation for your future vision. Embark on this quest armed with research. Dive into the depths of credentials, sift through patient reviews like a detective, and gauge the warmth of care and diligence of follow-up services offered. This meticulous approach ensures that when you finally decide, you do so with confidence, entrusting your eyes to hands that not only possess the requisite skill but also care for your vision as much as you do.


Picking an implantable lens can greatly improve your vision. It offers a tough alternative to glasses or contacts. In Dubai, the cost is AED1,500 to AED3,500 per eye. The cost is influenced by the lens type, procedure complexity, and clinic location. The upfront cost may seem steep. But, it’s an investment in long-term savings and a better life. It removes ongoing expenses on traditional eyewear. Financing options are available, making it more accessible. It’s essential to research and select a reputable clinic to ensure the best outcome. Choosing implantable lenses can be a good decision. They promise clear vision with one procedure.

Unlock Clear Vision: Schedule Your Consultation with the Best Eye Clinic in Dubai

Book your consultation with the premier Eye Clinic in Dubai today and discover how implantable lenses could transform your vision. Renowned for excellence, our clinic offers personalized care to address your specific vision requirements. Start your journey towards a clear, glasses-free future with our expert team. Contact us now and take the initial step towards enhanced vision.

Also read: Is ICL Better than LASIK?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recovery time for ICL surgery?

Recovery from ICL surgery is quick. Most patients resume normal activities within a few days. You often see a visual improvement right away. But, it may take a week to fully stabilize.

Can ICL surgery correct astigmatism?

Yes, ICL surgery can correct astigmatism. Toric ICLs correct astigmatism and myopia (nearsightedness). They are specialized for fixing refractive errors.

Is ICL surgery painful?

ICL surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, ensuring a pain-free experience. Patients may feel slight pressure during the procedure. But, they rarely feel much pain.

How long do implantable contact lenses last?

Implantable contact lenses are designed to last a lifetime. However, they can be removed or replaced if your vision changes or other issues arise.

Are there any age restrictions for ICL surgery?

ICL surgery is typically recommended for patients between the ages of 21 and 45. This range ensures that a patient’s eyes have stopped changing. They must be suitable for the procedure.

Can I see or feel the ICL once it’s implanted?

No, once the ICL is implanted, it’s invisible and not felt. It sits behind the iris. The iris is the colored part of the eye. It sits in front of the natural lens. It seamlessly integrates with your eye.

How do I know if I’m a candidate for ICL surgery?

ICL candidates have moderate to severe myopia or astigmatism. They have stable vision and healthy eyes without major eye diseases. They are also within the recommended age range. A consultation with an eye specialist is necessary to determine eligibility.

Also read: How Long Do Implantable Contact Lenses Last?