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Dubai healthcare city, Ibn Sina Building 27

ICL treatment

How Many Days Rest Is Required After ICL Surgery?

Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL) surgery has become a popular choice for individuals seeking vision correction without the need for glasses or contact lenses. As a leading destination for medical tourism, Dubai offers advanced facilities and skilled professionals for ICL treatment in Dubai. While the surgery offers promising outcomes, it’s crucial to understand the importance of rest and recovery in the postoperative period. This article aims to explore the duration of rest required after ICL surgery, providing guidance on how patients can optimize their recovery process for the best possible outcomes.

Understanding ICL Surgery:

Before delving into postoperative care, it’s essential to understand what ICL surgery entails. ICL surgery involves the insertion of a prescription lens behind the iris and in front of the eye’s natural lens to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and is considered safe and effective for eligible candidates.

Importance of Rest and Recovery:

Rest plays a critical role in the healing process after any surgical procedure, including ICL surgery. The initial days following surgery are crucial for allowing the eyes to heal properly and minimizing the risk of complications. Adequate rest helps reduce inflammation, promotes tissue healing, and allows the eyes to adjust to the newly implanted lenses.

Immediate Postoperative Care:

Immediately after ICL surgery, patients are advised to rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. It’s normal to experience some discomfort, light sensitivity, and blurred vision during the initial recovery period. Patients may be prescribed eye drops to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. It’s essential to follow all postoperative instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Duration of Rest:

The duration of rest required after ICL surgery can vary from patient to patient. In general, patients are advised to take it easy for the first few days following surgery. Most individuals can expect to resume light activities within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure, but strenuous activities should be avoided for at least one to two weeks. It’s essential to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard during the recovery period.

Factors Influencing Recovery Time:

Several factors can influence the duration of rest required after ICL surgery. These include the individual’s overall health, the complexity of the procedure, and any preexisting eye conditions. Patients with physically demanding jobs or hobbies may require additional time off to ensure proper healing. It’s essential to discuss any concerns or questions about recovery time with your surgeon during the preoperative consultation.

Monitoring Progress and Follow-Up Care:

Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential for monitoring progress and ensuring that the eyes are healing properly. During these appointments, the surgeon will assess visual acuity, check for signs of inflammation or infection, and address any concerns or questions the patient may have. It’s crucial to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments and communicate any changes in symptoms or vision to your healthcare provider.

Also read: How long do implantable contact lenses last?

Tips for a Smooth Recovery:

To optimize the recovery process after ICL surgery, patients can take several steps to promote healing and reduce discomfort. These include:

  • Getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activities
  • Using prescribed eye drops as directed to reduce inflammation and prevent infection
  • Avoiding rubbing or touching the eyes
  • Wearing sunglasses outdoors to protect the eyes from bright sunlight
  • Following a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients to support overall eye health

Real-Life Experiences and Testimonials:

Sharing real-life experiences and testimonials from patients who have undergone ICL surgery can provide valuable insights into the recovery process. Hearing about others’ experiences and challenges can help alleviate anxiety and prepare patients for what to expect during their own recovery journey.

Related Article: Who is not suitable for ICL surgery?


Rest plays a crucial role in the recovery process after ICL surgery. While the duration of rest required may vary from patient to patient, it’s essential to prioritize rest and follow all postoperative instructions provided by the surgeon. By taking it easy and allowing the eyes to heal properly, patients can achieve the best possible outcomes and enjoy clear vision for years to come.

Expert Eye Consultation for Seamless ICL Surgery Recovery

For personalized guidance and care during your ICL surgery recovery, schedule a consultation with experienced eye consultants in Dubai today. Your vision health is our priority, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Also read: Is Implantable Contact Lens Painful?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I resume work immediately after ICL surgery?

Most patients can return to light work within a few days, but avoid strenuous activities for a week or two.

When can I drive after ICL surgery?

Wait until your vision has stabilized, typically within a few days to a week, and your surgeon gives clearance.

Will I experience pain after ICL surgery?

Some discomfort is normal but manageable with prescribed medications. Contact your surgeon if you experience severe pain.

How soon can I exercise after ICL surgery?

Resume light exercise after a few days, but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities for 1-2 weeks to allow for proper healing.

Can I wear makeup after ICL surgery?

Avoid wearing makeup around the eyes for the first week to prevent infection. Follow your surgeon’s recommendations for postoperative care.

Are there any dietary restrictions after ICL surgery?

Maintain a balanced diet to support healing. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, which can hinder recovery.

How soon can I expect to see results after ICL surgery?

Visual improvement is often immediate, but full stabilization may take several weeks. Attend follow-up appointments for monitoring and guidance.

Also read: Is ICL better than LASIK?